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What if you don't like your church anymore?

  Touchy subject, right? But seriously, what if you don't like your church? What if you don't like your pastor? What if everything changed and it feels new and scary? What if someone, even the pastor, is actually doing something illegal?  Been there? I have. On all counts. Multiple times. Multiple places. Thankfully, not usually all at the same time.  Is this just a "church" issue, as some would say? Hardly. This is the brokenness of humans and sin. It's everywhere, but at the end of the day, you still have to act, right?  Yes and no. I have been hearing church complaints for awhile now, in various places and from various people. They seem to follow a few general themes...homilies, music, accents, etc. It's tough right now and the issues are complex. I would like to share one particular complaint though, that seems the most general one at present. It fits in perfectly with one of the mass readings from this past week and it has touched my own life, as I wi

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