Why Do We Pray When Nothing Is Changing?

 It's very rare that I just give up on a prayer assignment. Off the top of my head, I can't actually think of a time that I have, but this winter, one particular evening, I found myself finally hitting that wall. I was exhausted by one particular prayer assignment. It seemed impossible, and if I'm honest, I reached a point that I just didn't want to pray about it anymore. It seemed like a dead issue and I was tired of it. So, just like that, I gave up. I had hit my limit.

I reasoned that as hard as it had been over the years, and as clear as it seemed that there was no reason that it would ever change this side of heaven, that this just wasn't the prayer assignment for me anymore. By this point, even some of those closest to me had advised me to give up, to pray more generally... something else... anything else.

It just didn't seem to be my job anymore. Surely there were other people that could pray over that particular situation. People closer to it. People that might find some progress. It seemed totally reasonable at this point to feel that way, given the particulars at hand. The human side of me was okay with that. It was just time.

I brushed it off, put it aside and confidently walked across the kitchen and flipped on the radio while I washed dishes. My hope was to find something to distract me...this wasn't to be that moment.

Not only was a song playing that reminded me of that very situation, but the next song was the real kicker. A brand new song was literally making it's debut that very day and it was replaying again in that very moment. It is called, "Don't Stop Praying" by Matthew West. I'll leave a link at the end of this post if you'd like to hear it, too.

While the song itself was a very clear kick in the behind, it was the perspective shift that it initiated that really changed things for me, and gave me the strength that day to persevere in an unchanging situation. It wasn't because of the song by itself, but because of the God behind it who orchestrated every detail of that very day and time, including that very song.

Sometimes it can feel like I am going around the same mountain in life and I can wonder how many more times I will have to go around the same mountain. I can begin questioning what I'm actually supposed to learn so that I can get off this unwelcome journey already. 

I realized something new though, on that fateful mid-winter day. I am no longer at the base of that mountain. All this time, while I've been travelling around the same mountain, I've slowly been reaching a new altitude, with the help of the Holy Spirit. I found that the air is fresher, the view is wider, as I am able to see things with more distance and clarity, to take in a little more of how it all fits together. While the situation hadn't changed over time, I had. Just by the simple act and perseverance of prayer.

While some things in life may remain unchanged, and while new and sometimes terrible things may happen suddenly and catch us off guard, when we don't give up in pursuing a relationship with Jesus, we can begin to see more and more with His eyes. We can begin to walk in His footsteps, to serve with His hands, to hear things as He hears them, and to "taste and see that the Lord is good" (Psalm 34:8 NRSVCE)! 

When we take time to pray, while we may need to take action at times, we don't need to fret about what anyone else in the world is doing - whether they are telling us the truth, whether they are living as they should, whether this or that thing will work out or be given or taken away. Whatever may befall us, Jesus has already walked that path before us and He will have an answer in just the right time and in just the right way. 

What really sticks with me right now is this...I used to think I had to be so strong, and to a degree, I was. I can survive a lot. I have survived a lot. But, Jesus didn't give His life for mine so that I could just survive, nor did He create me to have to be strong enough in my own strength and keep it all together. I can't. I'll never be enough on my own. I'll always fall short.

More than anything, He was waiting for me to reach the end of my own strength, so I would completely rely on His, so I would come to Him to talk about my concerns, with the simplicity and trust of a small child. 

That's when the miracles can really begin...

Peace be with you.

"do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand." - Isaiah 41:10 NRSVCE

"Don't Stop Praying" by Matthew West


Photo Credit: Matt Bango, stocksnap.io


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