What Does Music Sound Like In Heaven?
I've had a particular question percolating in the back of my mind for some time now. It may not sound like it's all that important, but somehow I think it may have far more meaning than we will ever be able to comprehend this side of heaven. Here it is...
What does music sound like in heaven?
On the surface, it may sound like a boring question to some people. We've all seen movies with campy "heaven" scenes in them, with some kind of angelic chorus, clouds, harps, etc. The kind that make us roll our eyes and maybe even sink into a level of complacency, because the modern world tells us all good people go to heaven, and we're all "good," right?
I've heard accounts though, of those who have seen glimpses of heaven, that say that the music is beautiful beyond comprehension, whether they've been allowed to hear it or not. I remember watching the movie "Heaven is For Real" several years ago and Colton Burpo said he had seen heaven and one of the things he remembered is that the angels wouldn't sing an earthly song that he had requested. It was kinda tongue-in-cheek in that particular conversation. But, this intrigued me for some reason, and I think the reason goes deeper than I first imagined.
I've heard that colors in heaven are so vibrant that it's like seeing them for the first time, and that things on earth are but a shadow of what they will be in heaven, but I don't think that really fully answers the question, as just a matter of vision or the ability to hear.
I'm sure this is only one facet of the full answer, as heaven is beyond anything we can even imagine, but what strikes me today is that the music will be beyond comprehension because there won't be even a trace of sin in it. God doesn't allow sin into heaven. We will have to be made perfect by His grace and our cooperation, our yes, in order for us to be there. So, when we sing with the angelic chorus, there won't be even a hint of sin in it at all.
That seems pretty obvious, I know. But maybe not.
Consider for a moment all the ways that sin makes it's way into our everyday conversations, far beyond the simple words spoken. My husband occasionally jokes that women will compliment each other and not mean it and men will insult each other and not mean it, but there's a lot of truth to that. When we communicate with others, there is an entire world within each of us that makes it's way into our words, even our tone of voice or our postures.
Think of the lives of great artists. Some of the most talented artists and musicians have endured pain beyond most people's comprehension, but in heaven, that will all be fully healed and wiped away. It will be fully redeemed and we will all be made new.
When we speak in heaven, there won't be even a trace of guardedness. Gone will be misunderstandings, pain, tears, divisions, double meanings, malice, and sin of any kind.
When the angels sing, the music will be with a purity that we simply can't imagine, largely because none of us can fully comprehend the depth of our own brokenness and limited understanding here on earth.
When the angels sing, we won't hear their glorious words through the filter of our own hurts, doubts, insecurities and assumptions, our own sin and brokenness, our own defenses or projections. We will just hear unconditional love, joy, truth, life, peace, full integrity of being, and unspoiled unity. We will hear the words as they truly are.
When the angels sing, there won't be even a thread of demonic influence or attempts to cause confusion, division, separation, or misunderstanding.
When the angels sing, we will only hear the heart of Jesus and the will of God in each one and in all of us, simultaneously. There won't be anything in the way of that full communion anymore.
I don't know about you, but I long for that day. When everything is fully clear and simple and at peace.
Peace be with you.
photo credit: Freestocks.org, stocksnap.io
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