Dessert Angel 2.0
Some of you may remember my post a couple of years ago about the Dessert Angel. We will still see such a creature resurface every now and then, to surprise us with a sweet treat and a few words of wisdom and some much needed laughter.
I think God had to recently shake things up a little though as He grows my understanding of community and how He provides. It had been another tough week, another big letting go of something important to me, and surrendering to God's will. Yet, God's creativity never ceases to amaze me, and over time, the letting go gets easier, or at least more doable, as I grow in trust.
I went to church last week for morning mass and then stayed for a short Bible class afterward to get to know some new people in our parish, post-pandemic. God surprised me with another new friend, but once again, He met a little unknown desire I never even voiced.
I've been on a successful quest to lose my pandemic and post-surgery weight. I was inspired by a few friends on social media and their desire to be healthier. But, I have to say - man, those chocolate chip cookies at the grocery store have been calling my name for weeks now. Not just any chocolate chip cookie - I want the cookie sandwich!
Each time I see them, I pause and look longingly, maybe even pick up the box just a moment, and then muscle up the willpower to say a wistful "good bye friend" as I walk past them yet again to get what I really need that day. And just like my former ice cream treats, it was one of those things I would never bring to prayer, because it just seemed too little and frivolous. While we all need a treat now and then, I've been on a mission.
So, after Bible study that fateful day last week, I was back in the sanctuary, spending a few moments in quiet contemplation and another round of surrender in something near and dear to me, when a friend walked in behind me. As I got up to leave, I paused to say a quick hello, right in the center isle, near the tabernacle. We exchanged a few pleasantries, a quick catch up on our busy lives, when all of a sudden, she opened up a large bag with her and asked me if I'd like to take home a treat with me.
Yep! You guessed it! She handed me a box of those delicious confections of pure happiness. The exact ones I wanted, same brand, same calories, same delicious sweetness! I'm telling y'all, I am convinced that chocolate is just proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy! And a little added frosting just makes anything in life better!
Oh, my. Be still my heart!
It was everything I thought it could be!
And my weight is no worse for the wear!
And I am one happy daughter (and friend) today!
It never ceases to amaze me how God sees and cares for every little thing in our lives and that these moments always follow a new level of personal surrender to His will and to His love. If He cares about even these tiny, unvoiced desires, how much more does He care about the bigger picture and all the things that occupy my heart and thoughts? He treats me and the progress made, even when I would not choose to treat myself that day.
I don't know how things are going in your own life right now, but I do know this. God sees. He sees you...all of you, and He rewards even the smallest amount of trust you place in Him. He sees the good things in your life. He sees the ways you struggle. He sees the things you sacrifice out of love for Him. He sees the things you still struggle to let go of, in trust. And He wants to help, with all of it, together. Nothing is too small to matter to Him, nothing is too big for Him to piece back together and heal. Nothing is beyond His healing touch or creative genius. Just like Mary this month, He just waits for you to say "yes" to all He is doing in you and in your life, and to believe that He truly is good. Even if the worst should come to pass...should everything in your life go wrong, or everyone around you forget you, even then, He has your name written on the palms of His hands. He can work through anyone, anywhere, in ways that defy the greatest imaginations among us.
While I am sometimes convinced that some things will just have to wait for heaven (and maybe some things will), sometimes God delights to surprise us along the way, in unexpected ways we never saw coming, through unexpected people or circumstances, reminding us once again that it really is Him in all of these things. I truly believe some things He will bring about long before I see Him face to face.
What is it that you long for today? In what situation have you maybe given up hope of seeing redemption? Where can you carve out a few minutes today to spend in quiet conversation with Him who loves you? For what can you offer Him praise this day?
Peace be with you.
"I believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." - Psalm 27:13 NRSVCE
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