Mothers Group Reflection #4: Fall Leaves

We had a very busy start to the morning. We were living in an apartment while we looked for a home, and the space was tight, boxes were everywhere, we felt like we were constantly tripping over each other. Not to mention the fact that we were living on the second floor, so we always had to worry about the noise we were creating. The kids were rushing around getting ready for school. No one could find their things. Snippy words were exchanged all over the place. It was getting cool out and the leaves were beginning to change, but I’m not so sure any of us had really stopped to notice that week. I was trying to keep my cool that morning and help my kids work together and I was quickly slipping into frustration over the lack of fruit from my efforts.

We opened the door and spilled out on the landing at the top of our stairs and one of my daughters just stopped dead in her tracks. She stood frozen. I quickly followed her gaze to the two trees on the other side of the street. They had suddenly turned vibrant red and orange and copper over night. It was a clear fall day and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves a little. As the breeze began to filter through the trees, leaves were fluttering all about as they came loose. As the sun reflected off of them, they looked like a thousand sparkling diamonds swirling through the air. She finally spoke and simply said, “it’s going to be a good day today.”

Thoughts for further reflection:

What beautiful gift has God given you through His creation this week and how did it encourage you? If nothing comes to mind, how can you cultivate more awareness of your surroundings in the week to come? Maybe intentionally spend the first five seconds in a new environment just taking it in through one of your senses.

Verse for the week:

Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice;
let the sea roar, and all that fills it;
let the field exult, and everything in it.
Then shall all the trees of the forest sing for joy”
- Psalm 96:11-12 NRSVCE

Photograph by Johannes Plenio, courtesy of StockSnap


  1. Gosh, I feel like you're describing my living conditions now. My only reprieve is that grey corridor outside my apartment. It's so small, my plants have to be hung on the ledge rail in a special pot. But, the chili plants have fruited and ripened. Blood red lipsticks of pure spice! In another corner, I have sweet pea flowers that are deep blue. We use it to stain the rice and make mood ring tea. The blue flowers when dried can make a blue tea . It's drunk with palm sugar and turns violet when you squeeze a lemon in it. Anyhow, I digress. The chilis remind me of the passion of Jesus. They are so beautiful but torturous to eat. The blue reminds me of Our Lady.

    Thank you for your post.!

  2. I love your descriptions of your surroundings. I always enjoy the little snippets of writing you share with me!


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