Mothers Group Reflection #2: Trust or ENtrust?

I came across an interesting word this week. I have been ever-so-slowly learning to trust Jesus with each thing in my life, but I saw the word “entrust” recently and it has changed the way I view my relationship with Jesus lately. This seems particularly relevant as we will be discussing prayer this month and how we can incorporate it more into our busy lives. Priests will often say that members of the congregation complain about a lack of time to pray, yet it is not lack of time, but rather not prioritizing it. But as moms know, life happens. Spills happen. Work deadlines happen. There is the never-ending list of things that just never seem to be fully complete and we can be left wondering: who has time for prayer? We can think, “I’d like to pray, but that spilled cereal mess is calling NOW!”

I have been thinking about what trust means in my human relationships. I trust my insurance guy to take care of things when stuff like the hurricane happens. I trust my doctors to give me good advice and care when I am sick. Yet, in all of these relationships, I still maintain some level of control. I don’t ENtrust myself to any of these people. There is still a boundary there. You know the old saying, “trust, but verify.”

Applying this to my relationship with God for a minute, do I do the same thing with Him? Am I trusting Him, yet trying to maintain a little control for myself so I don’t feel quite so vulnerable? He is good. He is love. He knows more than I do what I need at any given moment and nothing happens in my life that surprises Him. He wants to be part of every little thing in my day, not just a 10 minute “stop” in my busy schedule.

This week, as we begin to find ways to incorporate more prayer into our lives, rather than attempting a complete prayer overhaul, maybe the answer is simply to shift our focus a little. To not just trust Jesus, but to fully ENtrust ourselves to Him throughout our day. To allow our innermost self to just rest in His presence as we go about the busy daily activities, knowing all the while that He already has the answer for everything we need. We need only to look to Him.

Thought for the week:

How can I rest more in God’s presence today, even in the midst of busy activities? What distractions can I remove so that I can cultivate more interior silence and awareness of God’s voice within? Maybe practice a few short moments of silence throughout the day to reconnect with Him.

Verse for the week:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own insight.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6 NRSVCE


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