To Be A Saint
Recently, while shopping, I found a
mother/daughter journal filled with writing prompts to facilitate
communication (for those interested, the journal we found is called
just between us by Meredith & Sofie Jacobs). As my
adolescent daughter gets older, it seems that life gets increasingly
hectic and the issues are more complex. To be honest, so is effective
communication. She instantly loved the idea though and it is quickly
becoming a means to lighten the mood when needed and to help us to
really enjoy each other even in the midst of the daily ups and downs.
The prompts have me rolling in laughter sometimes as I play with the
Favorite Guilty Pleasure: Staying in
pajamas all day, complete with no makeup and hair that could rival
the bride of Frankenstein
Favorite word: Chihuahua
(seriously...try this one out!)
A trend I love to hate: Man-buns. ‘Nuff
The one prompt that really got my
attention though was, “something I’d do if I knew I’d never
fail.” At first I filled the space with “write a book, be a
public speaker, be a professional musician.” Those of you who
really know me know that I am infinitely more comfortable with
writing about my feelings and inner world over speaking any day of
the week.
In all honesty though, the answer would
be something more like the following. I’d tell people I love them
more and what they mean to me without feeling the overwhelming urge
to bolt from the conversation. Furthermore, I’d look them in the
eye while doing so. I’d do a better job of letting the childlike,
exuberant person within come out to play more. The “me” who I let
get buried for too long under a never-ending pile of dishes, bills
and internalizing too many unsolicited opinions.
In a word, if I there is one thing “I’d
do if I knew I’d never fail,” I’d be a Saint. We’re all
called to be saints in God’s kingdom, but I don’t want to get
there “just barely.” I want to live my life in the fullest way
possible, deeply in love with and completely abandoned to the will of
God in any given moment. Ironically, it seems that in some cases, the
saints were people that failed a lot but kept getting back up anyway
and I find this really inspiring given all the ways I fall short of
my dream in any given day.
Maybe you’re thinking my dream sounds
really arrogant, but I think not. To be a Saint is to become and
live as the unique person God created us to be, to live in truth. It is to allow Jesus
to remove anything within that mars the image of the God in which we
were created. Saint Catherine of Sienna once said, “Be who God
meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” I think if
we’re aiming for less, maybe we should take a little closer look at
our commitment to Christ and to ourselves and seek what may be in the
way of a deeper union with Him. And we all have stuff.
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